MAN! this is one cool thing you should really try and experience , All you have to do is put on your headphone play this video and close your eyes. It is so cool! you will feel like you are in virtual reaity, take note of the movements of the barber , its really freaky that even though your eyes are closed , you can hear and feel the hair cutting scenerio.
6:49 PM ; smile'
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
How to describe a feeling and never look back?
Well time flies hasnt it , it has almost been a month and its the middle of the holidays. But i guess this has been a good holiday for me.haha, i just feel a new appreciation for being contented and all , i cant really describe it but all i can say is that my feelings with everything has been more manageable. haha, quite grateful ...haha,
Well the question i want to ask you is how can you tell your feeling and not regret it ?
9:20 PM ; smile'
Monday, September 22, 2008
In light of the F1 race happening in Singapore i made an art gallery for your entertainment to show you the beautiful night life and fine arts of singapore. lol (been busy with my camera, apparently its really good for keeping me occupied during the dead boring holis)
"seat by the sea"
"High above you"
"Lost in faces"
"northen stars"
" A step back"
"A step forward"
"Art all but one"
" Grand scale"
"falling from grace"
"technicolured symphony"
"HSC's missing piece"
11:55 PM ; smile'
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Something to rock your socks off
OK! if you dont know yet i'm quite a jabbawockeez fan ever since they have been knocking and moving beats in "America's best dance crew " and if you have noticed in the movie "step up 2 " they had a 5 sec preview some in the show. Honestly they deserve more time but hey movie business sucks sometimes. Well anyway here is something you would love man , it will rock your socks off! haha , its deleted scene in the movie of the JABBAWOCKEEZ doing their thing.
1:46 AM ; smile'
Your treasure
i thought a little poem might be a good thing now and then to keep up with the old times.
Center piece to unfold, the pearl by the flower curl, carved by the finest morals yet raw like the loveliest veils.
So captivated by the untold beauty and motivated by her simplicity, you vindicate yourself to nothing more , then whats on the very core.
Yet in mids of the razor tinted gold, of blood you spilled to make it whole, you pray and pray and pray some more that what has been and will be is a treasure worth the fall.
lol! though i have my our intentions of creating this poem , i would still love to hear your interpretations of it . do tag !
1:46 AM ; smile'
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Have a laugh !
Now laughing as we all know is very good for you . Here are some cheeky sticks to tickle your funny bone.
A much respected police colleague who had mentored many people, including me, was about to retire.At his leaving party, the chief was full of praise of him, saying how many of the assembled throng wouldn't be there if it hadn't been for his guidance. Overcomed with emotion i stood up and said," I, for one, can say that I would not be in the position I am in not if it were not for this man!".The hall rocked with laughter, it wasn't the warm appreciative applause i was expecting.Then i remembered that I was eight months pregnant.
( Glenda Lake )
Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think - in a deeper voice. ( Bill Cosby )
Gay people invented sports. Think about it. Boxing: two topless silk shorts .....fighting over a belt? .... ( Ant )
So they're showing me, on television, the detergents getting out bloodstains. I mean, come on, you got a T-shirt with bloodstains all over it. Maybe laundry isn't the biggest problem right now
( Jerry Seinfeld )
I went to McDonald's yesterday and said " I'd like some fries." The girl at the counter said, " Would you like some fries with that?" ( Jay Leno )
As long as there is algebra, there will be a prayer in school.
( Larry Millery )
You don't get married to get sex. Getting married to get sex is like buying a 747 plane to get free peanuts.
( Jeff Foxworthy )
11:31 AM ; smile'
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Currently now Esther is probably having a hard time with her neck because of a bone out of place and is causing her a lot of headaches.So all you out there please do wish that she will get well soon. Ya! Esther get well soon . haha , i know how much you like metaphors so here's a post dedicated to you .
Life is like a roller coaster,bear hug,crystal clear . We hear metaphors all the time on the radio , on the television , in the newspaper and even when chatting . But have you ever thought what metaphors really are and whats the use of using it? haha
Well metaphors are direct comparisons between subjects which at first sight have unrelated concepts. Its is usually created by saying one thing is another. A primary entity mixed with secondary entity. Example ( primary are highlighted green , secondary are highlighted blue)
Drowning in the sea
Jumping for joy
Rolling in dough
Apple of my eye
It is raining cats and dogs
Love is a fragile flower opening to the warmth of Spring
Information travels faster in this modern age as our days start crawling away
Life has a tendency to come back and bite you in the ass (this is my fav here haha)
A riverboat shall be my horse
A light in a sea of darkness
Strength and dignity are her clothing
But really? whats it all for? well do you know that Metaphors help connect the differing ideas and concepts; Transfer Knowledge across disciplines. This means that we are able to view different points of knowledge in different views.For instance, earth as a living organism here its viewed as a mix of both under geology and biology. cool eh? Also it helps facilitate literary work and in your understanding and communication.Ultimately it help people to look at the same thing in a different way . ( think this is one of the reason why Esther like it , is it Esther? )
Well if you know a few metaphors or two . please tag it down , i would love to hear it ! share your knowledge with us.
10:58 AM ; smile'
Sunday, September 7, 2008
When it hurts more then it suppose to
The last post i mentioned about chance and how it has helped us discover some of the inventions which made our life it is now. And i got to thank Esther for this , she really know her stuff , well there was one incident of chance which allowed us to have fantastic quick meal since its creation.The inspiration of microwave! read Esther's tag! unbelievable right? I'll update you the full story about it when i find something.
Well before i start i have to apologize for this post . Usually i would create the entry for you guys out there.But this time its a post about me. Its an incident that happened today....and an emotion which lasted for 2 years
Its a about girl and my feelings for her for 2 years now . She is a wonderful girl , her beauty only matched by her intelligence and soul . God really out did himself with her and i really got to thank him for being able to meet such great girl in my life.But here is the problem and my biggest fault , i blame himself for this but within all this time ...i have not made any move. i think I'm really a wimp for this but the reason why i couldn't tell my feelings to her is because she didn't feel the same way about me and that if do tell her about my feelings its might affect a church group she and i are in .
The point is that its been so long...and today something really struck me. i was sitting on a bench with my friends today and we were happily chatting, waiting for her (cos she had to pass something to one of my friends)...then she came ....and my god , though i seen her in her simple jeans and t-shirts many times before today she looked beautiful she just has glow about her ...
But though it was a pleasure seeing her today, it actually hurt too... because the first thing that went through my mind was that we both may very well never be together.Here is such a wonderful girl in front of me and god has to play a cruel trick to give only one sided love.
Well tell you the truth it hasn't been the first time. For about 3 months , every time i go talk to her or see her ... i get this feeling ,its like a new hole in my heart every time and salt rubbed on my old holes . i always tell myself that if she if worth it but i don't know how long i can hold anymore...hahahaha pretty ironic right ... kinda gives the expression " so good it hurts".
hhhmm to let her go or not .....
4:13 PM ; smile'
Saturday, September 6, 2008
So what personality got to do with music?
You all would love this. Just recently esther sent me this really cool and interesting article . Its about how the kind of music we listen is related to a personality . yup
so you flipping a coin ? you going to leave it to chance?
OH~~ you probably said this a dozen of time . like " I'll leave it to fate", " anything will do". Basically you are willing to leave yourself to a simple fellow named chance. But how exactly is chance important to us?
well do you know that our lives are been change time and again by chance? haha , there is one example to prove it all . Pandol addicts and sick bugs should know this.Its the discovery of penicillin.
Discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 , this guy actually found penicillin while cleaning his glass plates from a former experiment. The story goes that the good doctor was cleaning is plates from a previous experiment of staphylococcus bacteria and after a while he reached one that was rather weird. it had a ring and in the ring there was no bacteria growing and TA DA !! penicillin was born ( of course there is more to this ,but you get the idea) . it like what !!! half the world is saved all from a simple accident . makes you wonder whether you should leave everything to chance right ? haha
Well that discovery was what you call it Serendipity. Its a term given when chance lets you discover something fortunate.i need not explain a lot here but i do want to know what kind of serendipity you have experienced.haha so if you have something do share about it ! haha tag!!
8:02 PM ; smile'
Thursday, September 4, 2008
If you want to know more about the last post about sameness and difference.I recommend you to visit Esther's blog ( she did a wonderful entry about the topic too and let me tell you! her explanation is great and with the more examples she gives, you find it easy to go deeper in the topic . So please do go to her blog.k?
hhm, what happens when you are faced with a problem solving situation? what does your mind do? haha. how did you figure out the decision? haha well some of you might say" well because its common sense?" EXACTLY ! common sense ...or more commonly referred to as logic.Its plays large part in connecting and building of knowledge.
But have you ever wondered why understanding logic is really important ? haha actually after some research i found out that its rather helpful . Firstly , learning more about logic and arguments you will be able to improve your quality of your decided idea.Secondly your ability to evaluate arguments/ideas.Not bad right? haha , some of us who find that we always end up with bad decisions and have no idea to take a stand for your ideas will find this a fantastic subject to go improve on.I myself have taken quite an interest to this ... As you imagine , its because i dont have a good foundation to relate and create and stand up for ideas.
Ultimately having a better understanding also improves your communication. how ? Your improved skill would allow you to figure out why and what your partner is communicating to you and in turn allows you to know how to response to him or her? cool stuff right ? how would you like to be called a person who never misses a beat when talking ? haha
Of course, logic is a double edged blade. Have you ever got caught in a situation where your heart tells you something while your mind tells you something else ? and the whole dilemma would eat your insides up? yup ... logic also causes conflict. Conflict between your emotions and logic.But understanding logic will give you a better hold of such conflicts.In other case conflicts arrives through a true situation but is contradictory or against your common sense. haha They are what you called Paradox.
Paradox's are great! Though they may have no end ,they really sets you thinking . Here is one paradox its called Zeno'sparadox made by a philosopher named Zeno . click here !
Well tag about what you think about logic and how it affects you in your daily life.
7:30 PM ; smile'
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Same style , Different views
Before i continue,i would like to thank Esther for giving me all this topics about the human mind. She may very well set a path way for us to see how we really are , she is really something special. Thanks Mana , oh! you enjoy your day in school k.Also i recommend everyone who read this to go visit her blog , its really filled with interesting insights and she even took the liberty to post out some cool event that you may like to go check.p.s and nice songs too haha
"Humans appreciate the sameness and also the breaking of the sameness" ...have a think about it ? what does it mean to you? haha , do you think this is very true?
We humans are very unique , we work on certain principles that help us sort out things that otherwise would have confused the living lights out of us yet it also helps us set apart from routine and be more then with we can be by being different.
This is one of our more obvious trades we have . When we see a painting we don't understand or become struck in a confusing situation.whats the first thing your mind does? ....yes ! to seek patterns, something familiar to you,something that you can understand amongst the chaos. Taking this to our own lives, we consistently seek similarity , look around you in your room, almost everything in your room has some similarities about you, does it not? haha ....this is how powerful we follow the principle.
Yet human nature is a funny thing, though we seek the similarity we love to be different, we love to stand out . Take example the in music , though we love the same kind of genre we adore artist who bring something new to the table. Even in our lifes we seek to be different, when we see a new shoe , a new gadget , a new marketed object we desire.what do we do? haha , you probably dream of getting it? see ...the principle in action.
So what do you see in your life that is similar to the things to you . and what are the the things where you feel grateful for being different? haha why not tag it.
11:47 PM ; smile'
hey Aloysius here
currently slacking
and trying to figrure out
why fishball taste so good
so wish bert is here
to read this
What i like?
lol,lots of stuff
but isnt it better
if u just ask me in person
-im an accepting person
and love new things
-got anything pls share
you have it , shoot it
what i hate?
errr...i TRY not to hate things
haha i'll let u know
when i figure something
but a good start
-is to be a better person
-Less formal
-have fun
-connect with more ppl
-deepen what friendships i have