What if someone knew something you do dont , something that would benefit you , would you listen? would you feel bumped that you lost the opportunity?
I was having a chat with a friend this very night and something she said really struck me. Lets say she inspired this entry.Now what was it that struck me you say ? Its our failure to listen at times , to not hear what someone has to share because of our own retention to keep hearing only what we want.
But here is food for thought,what you are listening is a teasure because whatever that was being shared to you was for you , it chose you to listen at that every moment among everyone else ....so why throw it away?
i think that some of us let it fall in deaf years is because we may think that person is thinking too much and so think its not important to listen to it.Well ask yourself , who are the kind of people who writes those beautiful books like tuesdays with morrie or write out scripts for your fav drama? ...Yup! you guessed it , people who think alot , see ...these are the people who think alot , think so much till they understand the things around us , then they share it with you by books and media . so what the difference when someone shares with you a well thought idea ? why not listen ? haha they could have something u could learn.haha ,
haha, so be kind... listen ...haha
well i bet there are times when ppl dont listen to you . so why not tag here . haha at let the ppl here listen . haha
10:36 PM ; smile'
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Its a beautiful morning , the rain is drizzling , the temperature is nice and cooling..haha perfect. So i guess since i'm going to be in the house for sometime i guess why not blog abit.
Well just abit about yesterday, my classmates kel, wendy, eug, puma and me went off in the morning to sentosa to have some fun.though it rained and all we manage to kick in some fun. haha but i'm not goin to talk about that , you would know how it feels playing by the beach ...haha .....wet.
What i really want to talk about is a movie i watched with them after the beach picnic.Wall-e, have you heard of it,its a movie? well here is a little spoiler , there is this robot(Wall-e) who fell in love with another robot(eva) and was willing to travel through the whole milkyway and space to takecare of her and well ....in our human terms, woo her . haha ,its really quite a sweet show.
Something struck me in during the show, something that wall-e did throughout the whole show.Do you know what?He never gave up, time and again he kept on trying to get to her , be with her and each time he did it failed. But after each failer he tried again ...it's super admirable....he knew what he wanted and was willing to overcome every odds to get it.
I think we should learn a thing or two in movie , that we cant just give up when things turn bad or when the slightest bump arises ...if whatever you are going for it worth it ....go for it and always look forward ...never look back.
10:30 AM ; smile'
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tension of opposites
The two very distinctive forces which acts on us all , one, the force to do something we have to do or think is logical and the other is the force of what we want to do or want to happen.Dont sound familiar?
Think about it ? Do you ever do something you didnt want to do but did it anyway ? or want to talk to someone but always have something stopping you ? wells thats Tension of opposites working .Whatever happens , our own mind, body and soul is govern by two simple mental decisions to do something we want to do and what we have to.
haha , now the things is which side force are you going to let win . haha , you decide .
well what you think ? you share the same feeling or think its all Bullshit ? haha . tag it up .
9:58 PM ; smile'
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The change
If you have been a regular here , you would probably notice this new skin. well what you think ? nice ? looks good right ? i'm so nice to dictate a blog to smiling. haha you all have to thank Jiun chyi for this . (cheers)
But truth be told ,blogs are hard to update.Its been awhile since i blogged , i guess with the need to also catch up with the people around you its just very hard to sit down and do something meaningful now adays.
anyway how has everyone been doin? seems like JC students are now currently vomitting blood because prelims and A's . Raffles racking their brain in the sept holis . and the POLY student? hhmmm .... HOLIDAYS!!! (dont kill us )
well, since its holidays its time for catching up with friends , so expect a call anytime soon!!
ok , then ciao ... i get back to you guys with better entries in the near future , stay tune!
10:53 AM ; smile'
hey Aloysius here
currently slacking
and trying to figrure out
why fishball taste so good
so wish bert is here
to read this
What i like?
lol,lots of stuff
but isnt it better
if u just ask me in person
-im an accepting person
and love new things
-got anything pls share
you have it , shoot it
what i hate?
errr...i TRY not to hate things
haha i'll let u know
when i figure something
but a good start
-is to be a better person
-Less formal
-have fun
-connect with more ppl
-deepen what friendships i have