Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday's with Morrie

Lessons of life.Life is a funny thing don't you think? we go through it everyday without ever knowing that it is one big big classroom , and the topic? to live.

You see life is filled with lessons , many very practical for us . No No, no textbook is needed, not a single page of notes required just you and a willingness to experience.

But there's a catch to all this , you have to open your eyes! see !! observe!...

Probably now you may be thinking ? what for ? i just live the way i want it to be and lessons are boring. But its not as unbenefical as you think. Taking my personal experience , taught by Kelvin .I found out many things about the people around me.For instance , i found out that a classmate of mine is really excited about going overseas but she is really caught up with the projects and airline transaction.Knowing this, i understand and try to help out as much as i can.

Also i realized that i have a very kind friend in class who sometimes brings in sushi to class for everyone. From here you learn the true light of your friends.

Alright , lets put it in a way you would benefit from opening your eyes and learning what life has to offer you. Now i believe most of you out there who are reading this are in their teens , one probable issue you are suffering is starting a relationship. Boy like girls or boy like girl ,the person who has the crash is sad about not being noticed . sounds familiar ?

Well here is a some help . open your eyes!! ....step aside and see her for who she is , see what makes her react , see her body language , is she angry ? is she tired? see what makes her smile and be happy? when you open your eyes, you can see all this and then you work with what you find out to go interact with her. Soon she will notice you for seeing her as she is.

Do not be mistaken . there are many other things you can learn besides the example above. Just start noticing things around you, be more alert and i guarantee you that you will find something interesting .

Now , if you did notice anything , anything at all . why not share it here ? i will happy to see what you have seen .ha ha tag it .

8:35 AM ; smile'

Saturday, July 5, 2008

basic instinct

Here is a cool experiment to show you one of our basic instinct when we are faced with a situation.But before that a little intro about this instinct. Since the beginning of men , we were designed with this programme to keep us alive. When faced with a situation our brain sends a lightening fast signal to our whole body causing us to be filled with awareness and energy to face with what is coming up . Read the instructions

So here is how the experiment goes. In the video you should see a room with a chair in the middle , what i need you to do is after clicking the play button i want you to count the number of items in the room and see how many you can find and figure out.This would cause your brain to go to a working state which is vital ...there would be a timer and when the time is up the chair in the middle of the room would rock ....stare at it , and recount the items you found . lets see how many things you can remember?? and soon you will get to know why this experiment is done.

Stop scrolling any further if you want the get the most out of this cool experiment. only scroll further after your are done.

SO ARE YOU READY ??? IF YES!! run the video now .


ladies and gentlemen , you have just experience a fight or flight rush . This is an instinct that has kept people from us generation down to cavemen alive . How it works is that when a person is face with a potential live threatening situation your brain instinctively sends a signal to the body on how to face the situation . Either to fight and go against a situation or to run away from it . And in your case after watching the video if you were shocked and a thought of running came over your head , you experienced a flight signal where as fight , if you stayed and though shocked by still unmoved ,your head is geared to fight signals . pretty cool eh?

well here is another video to illustrate what will happen to people in a similar situation.Don't worry it isn't like the last video .its really interesting ....take note , watch the person's reaction ,can you see his progression from flight to fight??

If you like that video . watch this video .... its a person experiencing a car accident . See how he reacts to it ! and observe !

12:40 AM ; smile'


hey Aloysius here
currently slacking
and trying to figrure out
why fishball taste so good
so wish bert is here
to read this


What i like?
lol,lots of stuff
but isnt it better
if u just ask me in person
-im an accepting person
and love new things
-got anything pls share
you have it , shoot it


what i hate?
errr...i TRY not to hate things


haha i'll let u know
when i figure something
but a good start
-is to be a better person
-Less formal
-have fun
-connect with more ppl
-deepen what friendships i have


Tag it!


your tagboard area. :D



ur music code here
recomanded size of the music 195x90

host: blogger
brushes : x o x
picture: deviantART
designer: wintermin
pls do not remove the credit.